Best Industrial Product
A product or component for further processing or inclusion in a final product for markets such as agriculture, agri-tech, transport, offce equipment, medical equipment, engineering sub-components, safety equipment, building and construction, infrastructure, display and promotion
Finalists in the Best Industrial Product category are:
CURVE Downpipe Debris Diverter
Entrant: Marley New Zealand Ltd
Product: CURVE Downpipe Debris Diverter
Gallagher TW Series
Entrant: Gallagher Group Ltd
Product: Gallagher TW Series
M10 Hospital Bed
Entrant: Talbot Technologies Ltd
Product: M10 Hospital Bed
Ovine Sealing System 
Entrant: Adept Ltd
Product: Ovine Anal Sealing System
VeriShotâ„¢ Single Valve Gate System
Entrant: Mastip Technology Limited
Product: VeriShotâ„¢ Single Valve Gate System