About Us

Plastics New Zealand is the Industry Association representing plastics companies across the country. Our membership includes a range of companies from plastics processors, raw material and machinery suppliers to tool makers, designers and recyclers.
Download the current Plastics New Zealand Annual Report
Download the current Plastics New Zealand Constitution
Our mission is to maximise the development, growth and success of plastics-based technology in New Zealand in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner. Plastics NZ has been in operation for 70+ years and represents an industry which has a turnover greater than $2.6 billion per year and employs more than 9,000 people.
Our role covers a range of activities including advocating to Government and other parties on issues impacting the industry, co-ordinating industrial relations matters, and undertaking environmental initiatives. Alongside this, we also facilitate best practice programs, provide opportunities for education and the upskilling of the Industry, as well as access to valuable information and events for our Members.
We run an Auckland-based National Office which is governed by a National Executive and is formed from elected member representatives. Our National Office is the main point of contact for Plastics NZ enquiries.
"To be the leading Industry Association which facilitates the development, growth and success of our members"